The contents of this article are for information and educational purposes only. Patriot Propaganda does not officially recommend using any of the tactics, techniques or procedures presented.
In Part 1, we covered some basic methods of peaceful noncompliance. Today, we will review a few more tactics you can use in the workplace to progressively and nonviolently sabotage a tyrannical government.
In this series, we’re keeping it simple. The idea is to generally make things less efficient in large companies and organizations (think big government, and large private corporations), gradually causing productivity to grind to a halt. Over time, the government’s power withers, as its institutions and organizations decline in productivity overall.
This approach is totally nonviolent, legal, and it works. Let’s jump into the next stack of tactics.
Communications are always a huge reason for the failure of a project. So, frequently missing communications, misunderstanding communications, and using communications equipment poorly are all great ways to increase inefficiency and decrease progress.
We all know that co-worker who claims they didn’t get that email, so our aim is to take this concept and amplify it. A classic tactic is to unplug your computer monitor cable. This forces your IT department to come down to your desk and check things out. Once they get there, they’ll see it was a simple fix but, by then, they’ll have wasted effort and time to come down to your desk.
Well done!
Also, monitors getting unplugged is quite a common and innocent occurrence, so it’s not something that will result in you getting in trouble, even if you do it once every couple of weeks.
If you’re expecting an important conference call, you can unplug a phone, bungle the connection, or make other mistakes people frequently make – mistakes that make a seamlessly interconnected agency a bit less connected.

Similar to the Tree Hugger, this method relies on caution for slowing down work by constantly urging the cautious route. By frequently urging others to slow down and take their time out of an abundance of caution, you can significantly slow down a project to a near stand-still.
You can encourage co-workers to be reasonable and mature, pressing them to avoid doing things to quickly which may result in them having to redo the project later.
This tactic is particularly effective because everyone knows it’s better to take your time and do the project right the first time. So, take this sentiment and pump it up to the max, urging so much caution and preparation that nothing ever gets done.

This method relies on the principle of constantly questioning whether or not your agency has the jurisdiction to do what it’s doing. Constantly asking, “Hey, can we even do that? I thought that was ‘X’ Department’s field.”
This can significantly tie up resources, especially in a large organization. You can also frequently mention what a higher echelon would think. People always get nervous when trying to justify their projects and actions to a higher command structure, so by constantly assuring a person that the higher ups will never go for this, you can take advantage of an existing psychological construct, and exploit it to the point that, again, nothing ever gets done.

The High Roller always insists on spending as much money as possible on useless things, funding money pit projects that go absolutely nowhere, or consuming a ton of resources for virtually no benefit. You can even look to funding adversarial actions that are the lesser of two evils.
Oftentimes, people are completely averse to funding any opposition in operation, but this method takes advantage of that. For example, advocating for spending a lot of money to repave an unused road or beautify an area, or to paint a slogan on a roadway to pacify some social movement – these things waste time, personnel, money, and resources, that could be used elsewhere for other operations.
This method relies on the supply chain and ordering supplies and materials as if you’re building the ritz hotel. If you’re in charge of ordering something like cleaning supplies, always order the most expensive stuff, or materials that are hard to find.
If you can purchase a material that only has one use, do so. Ordering supplies and materials that could be used for more than one purpose is not exactly what we’re going for here. This is pretty easy to do as most governmental procurement supply chains are filled with expensive stuff that is actually inferior in quality.
You can also order products that are far more inefficient. For instance, if someone requests for you to order some more pencils, be sure to order the classic, wooden No.2 pencils rather than mechanical pencils they probably meant to order. And since wooden pencils don’t last nearly as long as mechanical pencils, this would require you to order more pencil much more often.
You could also layer this with another method we’ve already discussed, and misunderstand what the person’s request was, and order something like golf pencils, which are most likely not going to work for the person who ordered pencils.
When you eventually run out of supplies, claim that the cheaper stuff is inferior and will lead to having to redo the project at a later time which, again, no one wants to do. Whenever you need a certain number of resources to complete a project, double that number. Consume twice as much or even triple the number of resources that would normally be required to complete the task. Or, you could do the opposite and take the stingy route, waiting until the very last minute to order new supplies so that there will be a period of time that you can’t do anything, prolonging the task at hand until more materials can be ordered.

Anyone who’s tried to ditch work before knows that claiming to need a bathroom break is pretty effective. When using the bathroom, make sure to consume as many resources as possible, flushing toilets many times, leaving the water running when washing your hands and choosing to use handfuls of paper towel over an air dryer – anything to waste as many resources as possible.
Take your time in the bathroom. Never less than 5 minutes… Preferably, about 10 minutes, and do this many times throughout the day.
Go to the bathroom whenever you don’t really need to, especially if you’re at a critical point in a project, or during a very busy part of the day. Be advised, though, this is a very common tactic, so your co-workers and employer will notice what you’re doing.
Now, if you’re otherwise a seemingly awesome employee, it won’t be an issue. Plus, it’s a very awkward topic to confront someone about the time they spend in the bathroom, so co-workers and employers are going to be too embarrassed to ask you about it, especially if you don’t overdo it.
We’ve covered several tactics for progressively and nonviolently sabotaging a tyrannical government from within a large organization or workplace. These tactics are aimed at reducing efficiency and productivity, ultimately weakening the government’s power. The strategies include methods such as causing communication disruptions, advocating for excessive caution, questioning jurisdiction, wasting resources, manipulating procurement, and taking extended bathroom breaks.
The strategies serve as an unconventional approach to undermining authoritarian regimes by targeting the institutions that support them. We can use these tactics as a means to contribute to the weakening of oppressive regimes, nonviolently, and legally.
It’s death by a thousand cuts which leads the inner structures of large organizations to eventually fall apart, contributing to the progressive destruction of a dictatorial regime.