The contents of this article are for information and educational purposes only. Patriot Propaganda does not officially recommend using any of the tactics, techniques or procedures presented.
In this article, we’re covering just a few tactics that can be used to confound, confuse, delay, deny, deter, and evade compliance.
The idea of noncompliance in the political spectrum is HUGE. More and more people recognize noncompliance is the only way to combat unconstitutional laws. The sentiment of noncompliance is not an exact science; in fact, it’s an art that few understand.
A lot of people wield the weapon of noncompliance as a weapon to attack others or as a shield to protect themselves from something. But, in reality, a lot of finesse is needed to make the idea of noncompliance an effective weapon in a war of information.
First off, the scope of “noncompliance warfare” is wide-ranging – so wide-ranging that many view noncompliance as cowardice. A lot of people see noncompliance as an all-or-nothing sort of thing, where you absolutely refuse to comply with anything, or you comply with every single totalitarian mandate.
Take the example of mask-wearing… Lots of people have been seen wearing their masks “incorrectly” – so much so that mainstream media outlets have written a lot of propaganda about it. Let’s unpack this idea…
First off, lots of people wear their masks improperly under their noses for a few, very different reasons. Many do it because they’re lazy, or because it’s easier to breathe, or because they still genuinely don’t know how masks are supposed to be worn. But… some people do this because taking off their mask is not an option because they would be arrested. In some parts of North America, while mask mandates are in effect, this is an unfortunate reality, so they tow the line and intentionally wear their mask incorrectly so as to partially comply. And this brings us to our first point: noncompliance is not just a binary choice. It is not simply a yes or no issue in many cases. Granted, there are those who try to make it seem like noncompliance is an “if-you’re-not-with-us-you’re-against-us” thing but, in today’s world, it’s really not. There are many levels of passive resistance in general, and the art of noncompliance is no different. And this brings us to our first method of noncompliance: reluctant and slow compliance.
A lot of times, straight up openly defying an entity will result in being arrested. So, complying, but slowly, is a great tactic. Politicians have used this to great effect since the beginning of time, saying, “Oh yes Your Honour, I fully intend to comply with your court order…”, all the while secretly purging email servers of incriminating evidence has worked exceedingly well for some.
In most professions, information has an expiration date so, if you take your time and let others go ahead of you and comply, by the time you get gun-to-your-head forced to comply, your voluntary compliance will be useless, and you’ll be in a better position because you’ll have had the time for more conventional resistance methods. So drag those feet, Patriot.

By fully and diligently complying in one area, you can buy time in another area, sacrificing space for time. An example of this would be a national gun registry which is more of a thing in Canada, but increasingly so in the United States and will be a part of daily life for all North Americans soon. For those of you who have ever submitted paperwork to the Canadian Firearms Registry through the RCMP, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the US, or if you’ve ever gotten anything more than a normal background check done, guess what? You are on borrowed time.
So, if you built a Form 1 Suppressor, or bought something like a short barrel rifle, you would most certainly be targeted first in the event that you didn’t comply with the national gun registry. In all of these cases, not only does the gun registry, but also your local law enforcement know exactly where you live, but also what devices you have, and based on these devices, they can pretty accurately guess which firearms you have. This is easy for them to do. Local law enforcement doesn’t even need to get a court order to determine whether you have guns or not. You’ve already freely admitted it by giving a copy of your paperwork to the authorities (your local Sheriff in the US, or the RCMP in Canada). This removes a significant barrier to accessing this information, which causes gun and property control interest groups to salivate, because they can swoop in and arrest you and seize your property, all without the need for a court order that specifically permits them to do that.
Just because your National Gun Registry and local law enforcement knows about this single piece of your property, it doesn’t mean they have to know about all of your property.
This one’s pretty simple. If authorities or enforcement agencies aren’t around, don’t comply!
Now, this is a bit more difficult because a large segment of society has been conditioned to snitch and report their friends, family and neighbours to law enforcement for the most trivial, totalitarian, and dystopian stuff. But, even in our era, we’re witnessing the use of a “silent code”. While mask mandates, for instance, were in effect, and the police aren’t around, more and more people take their masks off. They might start by letting the mask slip down below their nose, or pull them down just a bit, and then, when police are not around, they take them off completely, just as though a hidden signal were passed. Then, when an authority figure appears, everyone’s suddenly in full compliance again without saying a word. This idea takes advantage of the same tactics that were used by the government to condition people to wear masks in the first place. But, instead of conditioning people to wear masks, this tactic desensitizes people to not wearing a mask.
Once this mask defiance takes hold in an area within a certain cultural demographic, it’s really easy to transition into fullblown open noncompliance over the course of time.
This is probably one of the best tactics. Pretend to comply on the surface, while secretly doing everything you can to not comply and undermine the system. Obviously, this is one of the riskier, more active methods of noncompliance, but this is the one everybody thinks of when they think of resistance movements throughout history.
In fact, one of the better examples of this is the fringe resistance movements during the Nazi occupations during the Second World War. France, being world-renowned for the top-grade wine, was a ripe target for the plundering that swept across the nation. As a result, an entire sub-resistance movement sprung up among the wineries and breweries all over France. In fact, the Tour d’Argent, one of France’s most historic and iconic restaurants went so far as to build a hidden false wall in their wine cellar that housed over 20,000 bottles of fine French wine. They replaced all the bottles in their massive wine cellar with new bottles, and wine that just wasn’t very good. They even “aged” the bottles, covering them with dust and cobwebs to make them look old and vintage.
These actions, while they may seem trivial, were far from it in hindsight, as they prevented a totalitarian regime from profiting from a valuable commodity.
Fast-forwarding to today, this technique could be echoed by any entity that decides to “comply” with the federal government seizing their supplies and equipment, but in reality, giving up equipment that doesn’t really work, saving the good equipment and supplies for local citizens. Or it could as simple as a person who appears to comply and receive a medical procedure (such as a vaccination) but, in reality, they don’t.

One of our favourites… There’s no question, lots of people in our community have a huge problem with law enforcement right now. We understand these sentiments completely. However, we encourage everyone to think outside the box. Trying to convince another human being that their actions contradict the oath to which they’ve sworn is not easy. It’s almost like trying to change someone’s religion, so it takes a lot of time and effort. As such, rewarding actions such as defying tyranny would be a step in the right direction, even if it isn’t a perfect solution on its own. Remember, the long game is what got us into this mess, so we need to play the long game to get us out. The first rule in that game is to reward agents of government who take baby steps in the right direction.
For example, you have an entity that refuses to order covid closure orders, but still whole-heartedly supports something like gun control, still ought to be rewarded with praise. We can always work on those other issues later… Slow progress in the right direction is better than zero progress at all. The goal here is essentially to incentivize good behaviour, and penalize bad behaviour, creating a sort of natural selection in which the people doing the right thing are treated well and rewarded, and those who choose to do the wrong thing are not rewarded.
With all the hate out there in the world currently, people respond so much better to honey right now than vinegar. So many people and groups out there are only using vinegar, just spewing hatred and offering no way out. And when a person isn’t offered an out or a chance to do the right thing, they tend to dig their heels in and have no choice but to stick with the status quo.
This happened a LOT in Syria with ISIS members. Once the fighting in Mosul was over, ISIS guys knew their days were numbered, but they feared their families, friends and neighbours would not take them back into the community because of the atrocities they had committed – including atrocities they didn’t personally commit, but their organization did. Because of this – because they felt they had no chance at redemption, they kept fighting. At least their brothers in arms wouldn’t judge them for their actions. A big part of winning that war, therefore, was to find ways to keep the peace and encourage families, neighbourhoods, and communities to accept their children back into the fold. The same dynamic has applied many times throughout the history of warfare, and it’s no different today.
So, that ATF agent who suddenly realizes their role isn’t what they thought it was, how will they react to someone SCREAMING IN THEIR FACE that they are EVIL. History shows us that the universality of human nature takes over. They’re going to dig in their heels and take a defensive position. By offering an out, by letting people know it’s never too late to do the right thing, this creates the environment necessary for real change to occur. So, even if the person or entity’s net tyranny level is still super high, rewarding small steps in the right direction – using a large amount of honey with a tiny bit of vinegar, is highly effective at changing a culture much quicker than one might think.
Christ, most especially, would approve of this technique, because it captures the essence of Christian morality; in particular, the radical approach of forgiving your enemy and being patient. In our opinion, this method constitutes prosecution of spiritual warfare at the highest level.
Rightly or wrongly, history does not look kindly upon collaborators. Let’s not forget that, during most resistance movements around the world during both world wars, once the liberation was complete, the people who had collaborated with the occupiers were in most cases treated even more harshly than the occupiers themselves. Now, obviously, things are quite a bit different nowadays, and targeting collaborators at this stage indicates not only a poor understanding of history, but will also result in exactly the opposite effect. Right now, the collaborators hold the majority, much more than half the population of North America is a willing participant in the situation, so turning to violence will solve nothing. Ideas, rhetoric, and slow cultural change got us into this mess, so the same can get us out.
What this translates to in today’s world is using information, culture, pride, shame, and various other emotions in order to discourage compliance. In other words… making people feel bad for complying with tyrannical orders. Again, this is not to be overdone – we’re not trying to negate the principle we just covered above. What we’re going for is that classic parenting tactic where the parent doesn’t scream or yell at the child but, rather, conveys sadness. One idea that has transcended culture over the history of mankind is parental disappointment. Everyone, regardless of time, upbringing or culture, remembers a time when they did something bad, and their parent or guardian simply said, “I’m not mad … I’m disappointed.” That moment, for most people, is a crushing experience – much more so than if their parent had just yelled at them. This tactic inspires and motivates a person to do the right thing, whereas, again, outright hostility encourages a collaborator to adopt a defensive attitude.
We can certainly use these sentiments to encourage the desired behaviour.
Looking back, yet again, through the pages of history, we cannot dismiss all of the most horrific acts humanity has ever conceived. Mass murder, torture, slavery, genocide – all of these horrendous acts started with one idea: dehuminization. One of the best ways to encourage a person to murder their fellow countryman is to remove humanity from their target.
In Rwanda, the Interahamwe’s catchphrase was to call the Tutsis “cockroaches” – something that needed to be stomped out.
In Nazi Germany, gargantuan efforts were set forth by the Nazis with the express purpose of making
Jewish citizens look like animals, subhuman, dirty, and unclean. Cleanliness and association with vermin has played a MASSIVE role in the perpetuation of genocides throughout history. Even the term “ethnic cleansing” brings an almost clinical and sanitary element of purity and cleanliness to the human race.
Let’s not forget every wartime nation does this. An element of dehumanization is necessary to motivate troops to kill another human. From long before the First World War, demeaning nicknames and casual racism have been used by armed forces throughout the history of humanity to encourage dehumanization efforts among their enemies.
The dehumanization that takes place prior to a genocide is most certainly not casual or haphazard. It is the intentional dehumanization of an opposition group to such a degree that killing that opposition group would be an act of pity and charity. This has happened in every case of genocide that we know of throughout history, and as we can very clearly see, the initial stages of dehumanization efforts or most certainly in full swing in North America right now.
So how do we get ahead of this and defeat it? Well, surprisingly, not much research has been done on this. Yes, it is certainly true that millions of people have studied the holocaust and other genocides over history in very excruciating detail. However, when it comes to actually preventing another genocide, most of the researchers adopt an educational policy. Simply being aware of the holocaust and how it began is the primary tool for ensuring that it never happens again. We believe the genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia, Armenia, Greece, Sudan, Bangladesh, Syria, Croatia, the Congo, Romania, Russia, Indonesia, Burundi, Somalia, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Crimea, Guatemala, Australia, Myanmar, Bosnia, Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, and the United States, proves that awareness and remembrance of genocides is very important, but it must not be the primary tool for genocide prevention.
For instance, the first step in actually perpetrating a genocide is dehuminzation. Therefore, rehumanization is a critical tool in making sure that genocidal attitudes and sentiments never have an opportunity to take hold. An enemy that recognizes you as a human is far less likely to execute you in cold blood.
In today’s world, some institutions are set up at an infrastructural level to dehumanize an adversary. Take, for example, our criminal justice system. One doesn’t have to look any further than the Stanford Prison Experiment to understand how psychology is a primary weapon of dehumanization. In our justice system, people are no longer people; they’re just numbers. Faceless convicts being controlled by faceless guards. Granted, the very nature of criminal justice is a field that necessitates a lot of this, but we mention is because, right now, we’re seeing a concerted effort by certain groups to criminalize the existence of their opposition.
Revisiting the gun control issue, a lot of people now are actually encouraging gun laws because they know they won’t follow them, and having 80+ million fellow criminals makes it impossible to arrest everyone. However, one must remember that gun control laws are not really meant to control guns. They’re meant to condition their own side of the political debate. Supporters of gun control, seeing gun owners as criminals, is the first step in dehumanization, and can be followed by an eerily familiar line of logic that has been used time and time again throughout history.
“That John guy across the street, he’s a nut job Conservative” … “That Bill guy is crazy, I’ll bet he’s a Trump voter” … “That crazy guy across the street has an AR-15 … I saw a sticker on his truck” … “That insane man across the street shouldn’t have a gun!” … “That Nazi across the street only has a gun so he can hurt me … I need to do something about that Nazi across the street!” … “I’m glad I did what I did … he was mentally ill … I actually feel sorry for the guy … I did the right thing … Facebook said so.” … “I need to make sure that Brett down the street isn’t a Nazi, too.”
The above examples of dialogue are of course exaggerated to make a point but, unfortunately, it isn’t far from the truth, given real historical examples from genocide perpetrators themselves.

Understandably, the art of noncompliance is a pretty heavy topic. When it comes to any form of resistance, even actions that seem trivial, such as not wearing a mask, must be approached with caution. We all know by now that both government and private oligarchs are, quite literally, controlling most of the world we live in, and both of these entities have completely dispensed with the illusion of choice when it comes to their power. These people want compliance, and they will literally kill you to get it – this much is clear enough.
When it comes to standing up to the totalitarian regimes and tyrannical oligarchs that run the world. We have to take a different approach to combat them – a different, but no less effective approach. Unfortunately, a lot people are under the impression that a passive resistance is less effective than an active resistance – a sentiment that government and billionaires are all too happy to endorse, because they know that, in a direct fight, they will always win. So, encouraging an active resistance is an effective way for them to get rid of the most effective combatants quite easily.
Imagine how different things would be if the people of North America were to realize that nonviolence and passive resistance is far more effective than armed conflict.
Let’s say that one more time, just to be sure for the people in the back.
Imagine the world if the people of this great land were to realize that the monopoly that the government has on violence is actually the least effective way to control people, and that violence is irrelevant when it comes to changing the way people think.
So let’s get out there and make violence irrelevant again.
The monopoly on violence is really the only way that government and powerful people have the ability to control people. So, if we remove that single, solitary tool from their tool kit, they have nothing left with
which to maintain control.
Powerful people and totalitarian regimes can silence a person, but they cannot silence an idea. Once an idea is out in the world, there’s no putting the genie back in that bottle.
We’ve gone over various tactics of noncompliance as a means to resist unconstitutional laws and government overreach. Remember that noncompliance isn’t a binary choice and can take many forms, including reluctant and slow compliance, sacrificing space for time, defiance in the absence of supervision, and disguised obedience. We also recommend rewarding noncompliance and discouraging compliance through cultural and emotional means.
Rehumanization and integration are essential for preventing dehumanization which, historically, precedes genocidal acts. Passive resistance and nonviolence are generally more effective ways to challenge government control, emphasizing the power of ideas and the removal of the government’s monopoly on violence.
Use noncompliance as a tool to challenge perceived government tyranny, emphasizing the need for strategic, non-violent resistance, and cultural change to effectively counteract government control and totalitarianism. Powerful people and totalitarian regimes can silence a person, but they cannot silence an idea. Once an idea is out in the world, there’s no putting the genie back in that bottle. So make good decisions, choose your interactions wisely, and check out the next article to learn more about sabotaging tyrannical governments, legally and nonviolently.
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